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Purple Curtain


Relearning Sex Ed would not be possible without the contributions of the following sexual health professionals. Help us support our contributors by following their respective social media pages, projects, and donating when you can. 


Courtney Brame

Founder of Something Positive for Positive People

"SPFPP was born as a suicide prevention resource for those struggling with the stigma of their STI diagnosis. Challenging the status quo of the media, medical field, and internal belief systems about the identities of those living with an STI, SPFPP is bringing awareness to the interconnectedness of mental health and sexual health. Courtney's goal through SPFPP is to provide access to mental health resources, and integrate them into STD prevention efforts."


You can support Courtney and his work by following him on Instagram @honmychest and following and/or donating to Something Positive for Positive People.

May Booth

Education Specialist at the Mazzoni Center's lotus. program

May Booth holds the role of education specialist for the lotus. program at Mazzoni Center, where she works to create a broad, LGBTQ+ competent resource network for LGBTQ+ survivors of interpersonal violence. She does this by developing curriculum, educating about trauma-informed care and LGBTQ competencies, and acting as a resource for other agencies working with LGBTQ folks and survivors of interpersonal violence.


She holds a Bachelor of Arts from Colorado State University in Political Science with a minor in Women’s Studies. Her educational background focuses on evaluating the intersections of politics, social movements, and systemic injustices with the hope of creating lasting change. May also has a special interest in mental health and disability-related policy.


Personally, May strongly believes in serving her communities and has been working with survivors as a victim’s advocate for seven years in addition to providing sexual violence prevention education for the past two. When May isn’t working or volunteering, you’ll find her reading, beading jewelry, singing, or spending time with chosen family.


You can support May's work at the Mazzoni Center by donating or volunteering with the lotus. program. 


Amanda Cruz Gerena

Sex therapist

Amanda is a licensed Counseling Psychologist from San Juan, Puerto Rico who finished her formation in Human Sexuality (Sex Therapy) at Widener University in June 2020.


After moving to Philadelphia, Amanda began working as a family therapist and later provided mental health and social services to individuals living with HIV. She currently works as a Prevention Program Manager for a nonprofit organization in Orlando, Florida, where she oversees different programs that highlight harm reduction (syringe exchange), HIV/STI prevention, community outreach, LGBTQ health services, and more.


Much of her academic interests lie in the impact of religion, colonialism, and sexuality. Other topics of interest are casual sex, bisexuality, and sexual interest/arousal disorders. She hopes to one day bridge her psychology, sexuality, societal, and cultural interests within an academic context.


You can support Amanda and learn more about her work by following her on Instagram.

Ceara Corry

Sex Educator & Sex Therapist

Ceara Corry, also known as Cee, the Sex Lady is a social worker serving as a Sex Therapist and Sex Educator based in her home state of North Carolina.


Ceara sees her ultimate mission as partnering with folx on their journey to creating relationships and intimate lives that are sex positive, pleasure centered, and free of shame or stigma. She seeks to accomplish this mission through sex therapy and education that is intersectional, strengths based and culturally relevant. Ceara is particularly dedicated to the sexual well-being of the Black community as a tribute to her ancestors and the community that has guided, supported, and inspired her.


Ceara’s interest and career in sexual and reproductive health began nearly a decade ago during her undergraduate experience. Since then, she’s had the opportunity to serve a multitude of clients including survivors of sexual violence, anti-trafficking organizations, students and their families, and individuals and couples seeking to improve their intimate lives. Ceara enjoys partnering with organizations to create sexual health events that are both fun and educational.


When’s she not seeing clients, or bringing sex ed to the masses, you can find Ceara enjoying quality time with her partner, her friends, a good book, or the latest binge-worthy show.


You can support Ceara and learn more about her work by following her on Instagram


Hannah Scheri

Health Educator & Graduate Student at Temple University's College of Public Health

Hannah Scheri is a health educator, graduate student at Temple University’s College of Public Health, and intern at the Incarnation Institute for Sex & Faith (IISF).


Her main interest and area of study is in sexual health education, specifically with regards to sexual dysfunction and sexual health in faith-based spaces. Her current research project with IISF revolves around gathering information on barriers and motivators to sexual health implementation in Christian churches.


Hannah has been passionate about sexual health ever since she first encountered the subject in her elementary health class. In 7th grade, she demonstrated to her friends how to use a tampon using a tube of mascara. Now, she teaches her own middle school health class (with more appropriate tools)! Her experiences with chronic pelvic pain and within environments that promote sex-negative teachings have shaped her work toward liberation and healing.


She lives in Philadelphia with three humans and two pit bulls.


You can support Hannah's current project by following the Incarnation Institute for Sex & Faith on Instagram

Wildilisa Silverman

Sex & Relationship Therapist

Wildilisa Silverman is a Dominican-American sex and relationship therapist providing support to the Latine and BIPOC communities. Through individual and couples therapy, Wildilisa helps clients work through relationship issues, sexual problems, and daily stressors. She is passionate about helping others live the life they deserve, particularly helping people navigate their relationships and have better sex, alone or partnered. Wildilisa truly believes that the most effective tool she brings into any session is herself, psychoeducation, and an eclectic combination of SFT and CBT, while incorporating humor and authenticity.


You can support Wildilisa and learn more about her work by following her on Instagram

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